
For NCG Growth and Development encompass the following sectors:

  • Social development: education, training, health incl. HIV/AIDS
  • Agriculture, forestry and fisheries
  • Business and private sector development
  • Water & sanitation
  • Renewable energy
  • Transport

NCG has the in-house expertise and an extended network of collaborating partners, which enables us to address each sector individually as well as the interlinkage between the sectors. As an example comprehensive rural development comprises elements of all the above-mentioned sectors. Some sectors have derived effects on other sectors. Transport is a vital ‘enabling’ component of a developing country economy that contributes substantially to the achievement of economic growth and poverty reduction, while also facilitating access to health, education, markets; and promoting trade, and national and regional integration. Energy services are also essential for production, cold storage, and processing – including food processing, which requires high hygienic standards, i.e. clean water and proper sanitation facilities. Agriculture, forestry and fisheries are also highly interlinked with business and private sector development.

NCG offers a wide array of services related to Growth and Development. These include policy, legislation, regulation, and public financial management aspects and associated reform measures based on policymakers’ perception and context analyses. We are also experienced in national and local level planning and formulation of programmes based on technical and financial feasibility studies including institutional, socio-economic, environmental, and climate change aspects – resulting in such aspects being mainstreamed into the programmes. NCG provides operational support during programme implementation, which may include institutional development and capacity building, and monitoring and evaluation (M&E). Besides programme formulation, NCG consultants have competence in conducting appraisals, reviews, and evaluations. They are also well acquainted with the sector wide approach and the five principles of the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness.


An individual’s ability to break away from inhibiting patterns, or to fully benefit from development, is influenced by factors that go beyond traditional sector boundaries. Such factors include gender for example, the ability to exercise his or her human rights as well as personal well-being linked to living conditions and the natural environment.
In building and strengthening systems of resilience, we at NCG seek to apply multi-disciplinary approaches in our work to help clients maximize development outcomes by taking such cross-cutting issues into consideration in all aspects of programming.

We do this by drawing on internal and external professionals from a variety of specialisations, combined with specific experience and skills in the fields of gender equality, human rights, and environmental and social risk assessments.
We also contribute to the international body of knowledge on what makes aid effective under what circumstances. This is closely linked to our extensive experience in monitoring and evaluation, and our commitment to finding new and better ways to make in order to foster innovation.

Published: 16.11.2011

Modified: 13.02.2014